
My own journey in yoga began in the late 1990s & it felt like coming home. Initially I sought yoga as a way to improve my health, but it became a life-changing exploration in well-being which has supported me emotionally & physically ever since.

Teaching since 2004, I have diplomas with the British Wheel of Yoga (Hatha Yoga), the Association of Independent Yoga Practitioners (Scaravelli-inspired yoga) & Birthlight (peri-natal yoga & care). I am also a trained Somatic Exercise Coach (Hanna somatics).

Over time, my particular passion remains to encourage individuals to feel their way into their own experience of yoga. I embody an experiential approach to yoga in which everyone, no matter their age or ability, can find the best yoga within themselves. With specialist certificates in pregnancy yoga & post-natal baby yoga, I enjoy supporting women through this transformational time of life.

My latest exploration has been with the International Association of Infant Massage, becoming a CIMI (Certified Instructor of Infant Massage) & running courses to share with families in baby massage. As an introduction to a whole lifetime of touch communication for families & as a stepping stone to the empowerment of every individual in their own body, it provides the perfect place to begin.

Please join me to become a part of the yoga community & family.